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Large Inflatable Birthday Cake To Celebrate 10 Years Of Ribbon Walks

Large Inflatable Birthday cake for Breast Cancer Care

Breast Cancer Care is a UK based, specialist support charity for those affected by Cancer.  The charity’s aim is to ensure everyone gets the best possible treatment, information and support when it comes to dealing with the disease.

2014 celebrates the 10th anniversary of Breast Cancer Care’s Ribbon Walks, which have taken place up and down the Country every year.  All proceeds raised during the walk helps to pay for specialist nurses, local services and an emotional support network for breast Cancer sufferers.

Here at Megaflatables we were asked to produce a 7ft set of inflatable candles in the shape of Breast Cancer Care’s logo, which was used on Saturday 10th May at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. More than 1,000 women took part in the 10-mile walk lead by television presenter Linda Barker.

We are delighted to have been able to create something special for this amazing charity.  Breast Cancer Care aim to raise 1 million pounds this year so why not pop over to their website and see if there’s an event coming up near you?

If you’d like to have your product or brand made into a giant inflatable, head over to our website and see how you can make your business or event stand out from the crowd!

If you can think it…We can make it!  candlelogo.jpg


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