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Union Street In Plymouth Was Smiling!

There’s nothing better than making a person or a group of people smile. Especially now, as for many times are set for remain uncertain for the foreseeable future. When Nudge Community Builders approached us, we knew that this was a project we just had to work on – and it certainly made us smile! We can’t wait to share more detail with you, below.

Working With Nudge Community Builders

Nudge Community Builders is a community business that nudge local buildings and spaces in Stonehouse to be safe and cherished, with the aim of creating an entire street the whole world will love!

Whilst they have been bringing joy and colour to Union Street for more than 10 years in the form of street parties held each September, this year has been a little bit more challenging.

Despite COVID-19, they wanted to make sure that they could still host the party of the year, even if it was socially distanced.

Getting Creative

In order to bring their latest “Smile” campaign to life, Nudge Community Builders teamed up with their Graphic Design, Dave, at 51 Studio. The team spent a number of hours discussing some of their biggest (and best) ideas, pitching project after project to one another.

After some time, they came up with the exciting idea of putting big, playful letters on the street to be seen by all who pass by. With the idea of these giant light-up letters in mind and in the process of being produced, the community went ahead and arrange the closure of the main road yet again. Two stages of music, alongside numerous family-friendly activities, were also arranged to help bring the event to life.


The 9ft green “SMILE “letters lit up the street and added to the performances of parkour, yoga and tai chi taking place directly in front of the magnificent display.

Union Street In Plymouth Was Smiling!

Union Street In Plymouth Was Smiling!

Photography by Dom Moore

They stated that:

“We sometimes struggle with filling and decorating the street, as things tend to shrink but they provided the impact we wanted. Now we are planning a Halloween spectacle turning the letters into SLIME – we love how versatile they are and we will be using them lots and lots!”

Making More People Smile

Despite everything going on in the world right now, we want to make as many people smile as possible, which is why we provide inflatables in all shapes and sizes – we can even create an inflatable from scratch, providing you with complete control over the design, colours and materials used! From giant inflatables, to sports inflatables and inflatable buildings, we’ve done it all!

For more information, get in touch with a member of our friendly, expert team on 01245 421056, today!



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